1 In this Act, a person with a disability is a person who, due to a physical, mental or psychological impairment which is likely to be permanent, finds it difficult or is unable to carry out everyday tasks, cultivate social contacts, move around, obtain an education or training, or work.4
2 Discrimination occurs when persons with disabilities are treated in legal or practical terms differently from persons without disabilities and thus without material justification are disadvantaged when compared to persons without disabilities, or when they are not treated differently but different treatment is necessary to ensure that persons with disabilities have the same rights as persons without disabilities.
3 Discrimination relating to access to a building, a structure, a dwelling or a public transport facility or vehicle occurs when access for persons with disabilities is not possible for structural reasons or is only possible with difficulty.
4 Discrimination in obtaining a service occurs when it is impossible or only possible with difficulty for persons with disabilities to obtain a service.
5 Discrimination in access to general and advanced education and training occurs in particular when:
- a.
- it is difficult for persons with disabilities to use aids or obtain the necessary assistance from other persons;
- b.
- the duration and organisation of the course and examinations are not adapted to the specific needs of persons with disabilities.